Tech8 Tools To Make Tiktok For Brands 2022

8 Tools To Make Tiktok For Brands 2022

Tiktok is one of the most powerful social network nowadays with 1.2 billion monthly active users. However, there are only a few useful tools to empower marketers to upgrade their marketing strategy on TikTok.

Below are tools that Market4gamers collected and brands absolutely need to build their brands on Tiktok. Using these effectively will help increase interaction on TikTok, then tiktok followers on your channels. After building a quality audience, you can later earn profit from these audience.

  1. Clouding measure

CM is a Tiktok analysis app that allows you to track and manage any Tiktok account indexes. You can track in real time their follower, likes. This tool also let you know daily growth of these tiktok accounts and project the future numbers.

2. Pencil

This may be the most reliable Tiktok analysis app that I have known. Pencil will let you find influencers and KOLs on Tiktok, follow their daily new content creation, manage and track hastags and popular songs. You can use Pencil to find most liked, commented, shared videos of a Tiktok channel. This app also allows you to track hastag and most popular trending videos on Tiktok.

Pencil has free and paid plans.. With the free plan, you can only track 1 account.

3. Outshow

This is the most favorite app with more than 120 million downloads. This has many filters and effects for you to choose. You can make slow-mo videos, add soundtracks and export high quality videos.

4. Magico

Magico is a video editing app with more than 60 million downloads. Magico allows users to upload video from their photo gallery on theri phone or from cloud drive. Then they can add effects, music, typo to express in their own way. They can also crop, trim or join many videos. This app is totally free.

5. Quik

Quik ( is an app with more than 140 million downloads and totally free. This app is developed by GoPro. This provides 25 creative template videos. You can add images, sounds and texts to the videos as you wish.

6. Tag Right

Similar to other social platforms, tiktok use hastag. And if you are a social media expert, you have to admit the essence of hastag.

Many marketers have difficulties when choosing the right hashtag that suits their videos the best. Unfortunately there is not many professional tools to help them with this issue. Tag right is the best option right now. You can use this app to search for related hashtags for attracting people who care.

7. Bio Many Links

Similar to Instagram, Tiktok offers a bio link on the profile info page. Users when visit your personal page can see it and click through it to a landing page. You should take use of this feature to add your website or sales page. Use Bio Many Links to add links to your bio on tiktok. Bio Many Links is also provides email collecting function and payment methods by connecting with your paypal account.

Tiktok is a promising market that any brand want to conquer. To increase your followers, you need to know how to optimise your tiktok account. Combine these tools to support your marketing strategy is a good way to help your achieve your goals.

8. Market4gamers

Market4gamers is a platform to discover Tiktok account for sale. Each account has a specific topic, and they offer many topics that may relate to your business. What you gain here is an account that is already built with available followers for your to start your marketing campaigns.

Because buying a Tiktok account is just the first step to start, you need to care about content strategy, keep these followers stay and grow new audience in the future.

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