Have you ever opened Snapchat to find mysterious planets next to your friends’ names and wondered what they mean? Snapchat’s galactic feature delights users by turning their friendships into a mini solar system.
This article will demystify these celestial badges, guiding you through each planet’s significance and how they orbit your social universe. Let’s explore the stars of Snapchat together!
What are Snapchat Planets?

Snapchat Planets are a whimsical twist on your social circle—think of them as cosmic buddies orbiting your virtual universe. They spring from Snapchat’s creative take on friendships, mapping out who’s gravitationally pulled closest to you based on interaction—a friendship solar system that evolves with every snap sent and received.
Explanation of the feature
Snapchat planets let users show who their top friends are. Think of it like a space-themed game where friends become planets. Each planet gets closer or farther from the “Sun” based on how much you chat, share photos, and hang out on Snapchat together.
Mercury is the closest friend you have; then they line up all the way to Neptune for your eighth closest pal.
The more you interact with someone, the higher chance they’ll be one of your planets. It’s not just about sending messages back and forth – using location data, keeping streaks alive, and checking out each other’s spots on the Snap Map can also boost someone’s ranking in your personal solar system.
If you’ve got Snapchat Plus, you get even cooler features and can pick your top friends yourself!
How do they work?

Snapchat Planets shine a light on your friendship dynamics by placing friends on different planets. It’s simple – the more you chat, snap, and hang out with someone on Snapchat, the closer their planet moves to you in your own little Snap Solar System.
Picture it like a game; keeping up conversations and sharing moments can promote a friend from one planet to another.
But there’s more than just chatting involved. Users improve their planetary ranking through regular use of the app, sharing location updates, maintaining streaks with friends, and exploring the map feature.
These actions all count toward which planet a friend lands on in your solar system. If you’re part of Snapchat Plus—Snapchat’s premium version—you get to manually assign besties to specific planets based on where they stand in your best friends list!
Snapchat Planet Order and Meaning

Dive into the cosmos of your social connections with Snapchat’s planetary feature, where each celestial body holds a unique significance in your digital universe—hinting at who orbits closest to you.
Uncover the order and personalized meaning behind these Snapchat Planets to decode the circle of friends that gravitate around your daily interactions.
Mercury: closest friend
Mercury is your top Snapchat friend. This means you send the most snaps and have the most chats with them. It’s like giving someone a best friend trophy on the app! Just like Mercury races around the sun faster than any other planet, this person zips to the top of your Snapchat Solar System.
The more you snap and chat with somebody, they climb closer to becoming your Mercury. Think of it as a fun game; every message or photo brings them one step nearer. So if you see someone at Mercury spot, know that they’re super important in your Snapchat world!
Venus: second closest friend
Venus shines bright as your second closest pal on Snapchat. This planet moves up the ranks when you share more snaps and messages with that particular friend. Just like its place in space, Venus holds a special spot in your social circle – right after Mercury.
Keep sending those fun photos and chats, and watch how Venus stays close to you in your own Snapchat universe! It means this buddy isn’t just a passing comet; they’re part of your everyday digital world – key to keeping the streaks alive and the conversation flowing.
Earth: third closest friend
Earth in Snapchat’s solar system means someone is your third closest friend. This spot shows that you chat with them a lot, but they’re not at the very top of your list. On Snapchat Plus, Earth stands for strong friendship, just like on our real planet where we live and make friends.
You can see Earth next to their name when you look at your chat list or send snaps back and forth. It tells you that out of all the people you talk to on Snapchat, this person holds a special place as number three in your circle.
Snapchat puts friends in order like planets because it makes it fun to know who you interact with most. If someone is your Earth friend today, keep sending snaps! They might move up to Venus or even Mercury if they become an even closer buddy over time.
Mars: fourth closest friend
Mars takes the spot as the fourth closest friend in your Snapchat solar system. This red planet represents a special buddy who’s not quite at the top, but still super important to you.
If someone’s Mars on your list, it means they’re a key player in your daily chats and snaps, just one step behind your Earth pal. As you send and receive more snaps with this person, their rank might rise or fall.
Keep an eye on that badge on their profile – it could change as your snapping habits evolve!
Jupiter: fifth closest friend
Moving from Mars, the fourth in line, we leap to Jupiter. This giant represents your fifth closest buddy on Snapchat. Think of Jupiter as a good friend you chat with often but maybe not every day.
Just like the real planet is known for its massive size and strong pull, this Snapchat planet stands out because it holds a big spot in your social circle.
Your talks with them might be full of fun or important news—just like how Jupiter’s swirling storms reveal dynamic activity. They’re key players in your Snapchat universe, rounding out the top five friends you interact with the most.
Recognizing someone as your ‘Jupiter’ shows they have an impact on your virtual world, even if others buzz around more frequently.
Saturn: sixth closest friend
Saturn takes the sixth spot in your Snapchat solar system order. It’s like a special badge for one of your top friends on the app. The more you chat, share photos, and enjoy fun times together on Snapchat, the higher they might climb in your lineup.
To get to Saturn’s status, your friend must be super active with you.
They’ve got to keep those streaks going and use cool features like location sharing or Snap Map adventures. If they’re often popping up in your chats and stories—boom! They could end up as your Saturn pal.
And just think, if they’re already at number six, who knows? Maybe they could even become a closer planet soon!
Uranus: seventh closest friend
Moving from Saturn, the sixth planet, Uranus shines as the seventh closest friend in your Snapchat solar system. This cool blue-green icon means you’re pretty tight with this person, but there are six others you click with just a bit more.
You share laughs, stories, and snaps back and forth, keeping your bond strong. The app keeps track of all that chatting and picture swapping to figure out where they stand in your universe of friends.
So if you see Uranus next to someone’s name, know that they mean something special to you – enough to secure a spot as one of your top seven!
Neptune: eighth closest friend
Neptune stands for the eighth closest friend on your Snapchat planets list. Its position means this person is part of your circle, but they’re not as close as others like Mercury or Venus.
Think of Neptune as someone you share snaps with, but maybe not every day or every week. They still make it into your top eight, which shows they hold a special place in your social universe.
This cool feature gives you a fun way to see who you interact with most and least within the app. As you snap more or less with people, their planet might change, moving them closer to or farther from being your number one ‘Mercury’ friend! Now that we have sailed past Neptune, let’s dive deeper into how these Snapchat celestial bodies are chosen for each spot in our digital sky.
Understanding the Science Behind Snapchat Planets

Dive into the cosmos of digital friendship as we unravel the algorithmic astronomy that powers Snapchat’s planetary lineup. Discover how your interactions forge a virtual universe where celestial bodies symbolize the gravity of your connections..
Friend Solar System concept
The Friend Solar System in Snapchat shows who your top friends are. Think of yourself as the Sun. Around you, each planet stands for one of your eight best friends. The closer they are to you, the more you chat and share snaps with them.
This means Mercury is your number one, right next to you! The rest follow in order like Venus, Earth, Mars.. all the way to Neptune.
In Snapchat Plus planets line up based on how much you talk with someone. It’s fun and personal because it’s just about your connections. You don’t see other people’s solar systems – it’s a special map of your friendships!
How the planets are determined
Snapchat decides your planets by looking at how much you chat with friends. If you talk a lot, send snaps back and forth, and keep streaks going, Snapchat sees them as closer to you.
Just like in space where planets have their own spots around the sun — in Snapchat’s version, your best friend gets Mercury. Then Venus goes to your second-best pal. It keeps going down the list until Neptune for friend number eight.
By using the app more and sharing your location, you can climb up someone else’s planet list too. Always remember it’s about who you’re most connected with! And that could change if you start chatting more with other friends or stop talking as much to others.
It’s like having a little universe of friendships that moves and changes just for you.
Comparison between Snapchat and Snapchat Plus Planets
Delving deeper into the cosmic array of friendships, we’ll explore how Snapchat Plus elevates your social galaxy with exclusive planetary features—stay tuned to see what orbiting perks await you in this premium universe.
Features of Snapchat Plus
Snapchat Plus takes your snapping game up a notch. It’s all about special perks like seeing where friends are hanging out on Ghost Trails or knowing who rewatched your story. You can make one friend feel super special by pinning them as your #1 Best Friend with a BFF feature.
Want to chat in style? Customize those chat backgrounds to match your mood or personality. And, of course, there’s the cool new solar system for ranking best friends, where each one gets their own planet from Mercury to Neptune based on how close you two are!
Differences between the two versions
Moving on to how Snapchat and Snapchat Plus planets vary, both versions let you have best friends as planets. But here’s the thing: regular Snapchat doesn’t give out shiny badges for friendship profiles.
On the flip side, if you shell out some cash for Snapchat Plus, expect some cool extras like golden rings on friend badges.
Snapchat Plus is not just about pretty gold rings; it’s a full-on premium deal with goodies like seeing where your ghost has wandered off to or counting how many peeks your story got.
Oh, and you can also make someone feel extra special by pinning them as your BFF or jazzing up chats with awesome wallpapers that match just right. With these perks, the plus version lets users connect in more unique ways than ever before!
You now know the secret of Snapchat planets! Just like space, your friend “solar system” is always moving. Keep snapping to stay close to your best buddies. Remember, a tap can show you if you’re Mercury or Neptune in their world.
So go ahead and explore the universe of friendships on Snapchat!

Sharon Howe is a creative person with diverse talents. She writes engaging articles for WonderWorldSpace.com, where she works as a content writer. Writing allows Sharon to inform and captivate readers. Additionally, Sharon pursues music as a hobby, which allows her to showcase her artistic abilities in another creative area.