Are you thinking about taking your business on the road and exhibiting at the next big trade show? Trade shows are a great way to get your name out there and these events can help your brand be recognized far and wide. Taking the initiative to travel and promote your business is a big step and one that may need some more extra preparation you might have been prepared for. When worrying about how you are going to travel to get to this event and make it work, you will be in charge of more than just making sure your team gets there in one piece. Your display for a trade show will need to be transported and taken from place to place when exhibiting at shows that are far away from your business’s location. A trade show travel kit can be beneficial for you during your transportation to and from these trade shows. Travel kits and traveling to exhibit can be a lot of work so make sure you have prepared everything in advance to help ensure a successful experience.
Lightweight and Portable
One of the biggest advantages to trade show travel kits is the ability to have a great booth that is portable and easily able to be carted around. You will be able to carry around your displays through the traveling process without it being a huge burden. Whether you are needing to go through an airport, drive in a taxi, or stay at a hotel, these kits keep everything nicely contained and easily transportable. While they are portable and lightweight, they do not compromise on graphics so your display will still be as bright and as vibrant as ever. These kits also make it easy to set up and take down your booth at the conclusion of the event.
Components of the Kits
Your kit can come with everything you need to have a great trade show display with minimal set-up, take-down and travel effort. Items such as tablecloths and runners are lightweight and can be easily stored in a kit you take to a trade show. These can be eye-catching and will help to reinforce your company’s brand which will make you more memorable. Your logo will be widely visible through the use of these tablecloths. Literature stands can also be included in these kits and provide a great space for materials, products, or other decorations you wish to have displayed in your booth. Backwalls are also portable solutions to help you stand out in the crowd while also being easy to set up and transport around. All of these components can be stored in the waterproof and lightweight case to make your traveling trade show experience less stressful and practical.
Shipping Your Display Kit Cases
If you are traveling long distances and need your display to go with you, you may have to consider shipping the cases in order to get them where you need to be. While they are portable, you will want to make sure you are taking steps to make sure they are secure and taken care of throughout the transition. Professional movers can make sure that your display stays protected and many of these companies have insurance plans that will help to further keep all of your stuff protected. In the event that your stuff is damaged or damaged during traveling, insurance will aid in making sure that everything is covered. If you are planning on having your items shipped, also be sure that everything is properly labeled so you get everything you need after your travels are done. Traveling can open up many opportunities for your business to grow and trade show travel kits can help make that happen for you in an easy and beneficial way.

Sharon Howe is a creative person with diverse talents. She writes engaging articles for, where she works as a content writer. Writing allows Sharon to inform and captivate readers. Additionally, Sharon pursues music as a hobby, which allows her to showcase her artistic abilities in another creative area.