Health and FitnessTips for a Speedy Recovery Following Surgery for Seniors

Tips for a Speedy Recovery Following Surgery for Seniors

Credit: cottonbro studio Via: Pexels

Experiencing surgery at any age can be daunting. Mentally preparing in advance of the operation date, then navigating healing and aftercare following your discharge adds stress to an already emotionally draining experience. This is especially true for older generations; recovery times are statistically longer for older adults, and there’s a more significant potential for post-surgery complications.

While surgery will never be a desirable experience, the short-term discomfort is often worth the long-term gains. To breeze past the undeniably frustrating (and, at times, boring) experience of the recovery process, there are ways for seniors to expedite their healing following surgery. Here’s how.

Implement a Healthy Diet

While recovering from surgery, it’s generally advised that we embrace a healthy and balanced diet that’s low in sugar and rich in whole foods — food which has not been processed. 

Ask your doctor or an on-staff nutritionist for specific food recommendations pertinent to your surgery and your individual needs. For example, some foods high in protein can cause problems for those with kidney or liver disease.

One recommendation that transcends all types of operations is the importance of optimal hydration. Experts advise individuals drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses daily.

Protect Your Incision

Take measures to protect your wound and ensure you fully understand how to care for your incision site. This can be challenging, especially if the wound is in a hard-to-reach area if you don’t have a family member or close friend with availability to help, or if you don’t feel comfortable with wound care.

In such instances, consider connecting with a professional and compassionate care team like Integracare Home Care. Their Registered Nurses have specialized knowledge and training in wound care, and will come to you to assess, treat, and care for your incision and dressing needs — all in the privacy and comfort of your home.

Securing professional help or knowing how to care for your wound properly is key because it can help to prevent infection and complications — which will delay the recovery process.

Follow an Advised Sleep Schedule

Rest is an integral part of healing. Following a surgery, your body needs more sleep than usual to help recover. In the coming days, follow the advice of your doctor as to how much time you should be resting, and when and how you should begin to start moving. 

Feeling more drowsy than normal is to be expected; however, if your fatigue is persistent and unrelating, connect with your doctor.

Prepare in Advance

Recent studies have shown that if older patients prepare in advance of a surgery, their recovery time is likely to be expedited. A study by Duke University Medical Center found that patients who prepared before their abdominal operation spent four days in hospital following the procedure, whereas the patients who did not prepare spent six days in hospital.

Preparation before surgery may include:

  • Alleviating some stress by implementing logistical preparations, including buying groceries, cleaning the home, and preparing living spaces for maneuverability.
  • Partaking in gentle exercise in the weeks running up to the surgery.
  • Cutting back on unnecessary indulgences, like smoking, processed foods, and alcohol.

Final Thoughts

Last but certainly not least, make sure to keep up with doctor and specialist appointments, take prescribed medications and follow aftercare plans. A surgery of any kind isn’t an exciting or pleasant experience, but with a beneficial diet, proper wound care and a healthy sleep schedule, you’ll be sure to get back to normalcy as soon as possible.

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