For anyone who finds out that their favourite book has inspired a film, it can be as exciting as free spins no deposit. Sometimes the trip to the cinema is a worthwhile one. However, on other occasions, it will be a complete letdown. It would be okay if they never made some films. For one reason or another, they do not live up to expectations and make the viewer wish they had stayed at home. It is not only low-budget films that fall into this category. It can also be films coming from books written by some outstanding writers. So, what might make a film a bad adaptation of the book?
Stephen King – The Dark Tower 2017
Stephen King wrote eight books that became known as The Dark Tower Series. They covered many topics, although the main character is the same throughout. The film only lasted for 95 minutes after they made it. As a result, viewers missed a lot of content. They also felt that the film did not do justice to the books.
Gullivers Travels 2010
As this book has existed for hundreds of years, filmmakers have based the movie on it. By and large, they have been well received, but not the 2010 version starring Jack Black. The foundation for this version is present-day but had a man transported to a place where he was substantially taller than the inhabitants. Viewers criticized it because the main character behaves childishly.
The Great Gatsby 2013
Even books that are classics have not always progressed well onto the screen. A prime example of this is The Great Gatsby. There have been two films of the book; neither received much praise. The Leonardo DiCaprio one has received more condemnation than that other one. It did make money, but there were terrible criticisms regarding how the acting was over the top. There were claims that they miscast some of the main roles. Also, there were complaints that they misused and ruined Fitzgerald’s words.
Breakfast at Tiffany’s 1961
There is bound to be uproar to hear that some people dislike this film. There were, however, many issues, one of the main ones being Mickey Rooney playing the part of a Japanese man. Even the author of the book did not like it. Truman Capote had written of Holly as a drug taker and escort. The film shows her as a gentle and sweet character. It shows very little of her darker side.
Queen of the Damned
As Interview with the Vampire was so popular as a book and film, it is understandable that other Anne Rice books would inspire some films. Queen of the Damned did not receive the same praise. The producers failed to follow the story well. They altered its aura and turned it into a dark story. So, it did not suit their target audience, which was teenagers. Critics condemned the fact that the filmmakers made it only to promote songs and singers.
The above films are only a small list of films that did not sound like the books that inspired the producers. There are many reasons why it would be best if they never came to be. As there are still examples of this today, it is clear that many filmmakers do not learn from past mistakes.

Thomas Jackson is a dynamic and talented content writer at, renowned for his engaging and informative articles. Beyond his professional pursuits in writing, Jack is also known for his deep passion for fitness, which not only shapes his lifestyle but also influences his work.