Card games are fun and addictive but can also be a considerable time investment. Players spend hours studying cards and developing strategies to win. This can lead to a pathological addiction.
The researchers contacted SWUG gamers via specialized gaming chats and asked them to complete a questionnaire. They found that the participants had high motivation to seek dissociation and self-esteem, but no one was deemed pathologically addicted.
Loot box spending has been linked to problem gambling in adolescent populations. Gambling addiction can lead to various negative consequences, including bankruptcy and depression. It can also cause damage to a person’s relationships and career.
Gambling addiction is a complex phenomenon, and there are many warning signs. It is characterized by a craving for excitement, which can lead to compulsive behavior. It is also characterized by the illusion of control, which refers to gamblers’ belief that they can exert skill over a game defined by chance.
Gambling addiction can have severe psychological effects, including depression and a lack of social contact. This is especially true for adolescent players. They may also experience psychosomatic symptoms, including solid arousal and inner agitated melancholia.
Replay value
Card games’ card sleeves have a high replay value because they can be played multiple times with different combinations of cards. They also encourage players to improve their strategy and win more often. This can lead to emotional highs, as players are rewarded with dopamine when they win. These feelings make people want to play more and more, creating an addictive cycle.
A recent study of gamers found a link between buying loot boxes and problem gambling. However, researchers note that the physical nature of booster packs and their low return rate do not elicit the same impulses as casino gambling. Moreover, the SWUG study only included data from players who had bought loot boxes, which may have biased results. Nonetheless, the authors believe their findings can be helpful for future research.
In addition to the socialization aspect of these games, CCGs provide a learning environment that encourages analytical thinking and interpretation of symbols. In addition to being popular in face-to-face settings, CCGs are gaining popularity as a digital game genre. This has fueled the interest in behavioral addictions, such as pathological gambling and Internet gaming disorder (IGD).
A recent study by Zendle and Cairns investigated the link between loot box spending and problem gambling among adolescent gamers. They found that the more money gamers spent on loot boxes, the higher their measure of problem gambling severity. This relationship was more substantial than other risk factors, such as drug abuse. This indicates a real need to consider behavioral addictions more seriously.

Sharon Howe is a creative person with diverse talents. She writes engaging articles for, where she works as a content writer. Writing allows Sharon to inform and captivate readers. Additionally, Sharon pursues music as a hobby, which allows her to showcase her artistic abilities in another creative area.