Online is where information and entertainment lives these days. Viewer’s attention to this vehicle have increased the creativity, production value, and opportunities for talented professionals both in front of and behind the camera. Youtuber Joma Tech has over two million subscribers to his channel, viewers who are drawn to both the information he provides and the delivery method. Joma Tech’s series of videos that combined Hollywood film concepts with info on crypto are among his most popular. Samon Siripanichgon (set lighting and camera expert) was essential to the look and style of these videos adopting a take on some of Hollywood’s biggest films. Those competing for attention online are increasingly turning to film professionals like Mr. Siripanichgon who are able to create the same extraordinary aesthetic as their favorite movies. Millions of views for these Joma Tech videos confirm that this is a path proven to produce massive results.

The impact that lighting can play in supporting a character is evident in “Crypto traders be like…” This very popular video features Joma as two highly different characters. Samon bathed the “uptight” character in vanilla three-point lighting with all the colors balanced to white. Contrasting this was the moody purple edgy lighting he used for the crypto social media influencer. A dramatic and tense tone was achieved via this lighting approach.
Locational differences were magnified with lighting in the Joma Tech Video “If Hollywood made a movie about crypto.” Shot in various locations around NYC, the lack of continuity and diverse locations gave this video its own unique look. The desired look of a moodier dramatic tone is captivating. Making the most of the architecture of the city, Samon emphasized the natural lighting by various means to infuse a feeling of tension into this storyline.
One of the most popular viewed pieces of content on the Joma Tech YouTube page is “If Wolf of Wall Street were about crypto…” An informative video presented as an ode to Scorsese’s quintuple Oscar nominated film, the style and look of this video rivals those of mega-budget marquee-name films. Samon describes, “This was a fun one because we were trying to recreate a scene from The Wolf of Wallstreet. John, the DP, and I sat and watched the scene over and over again, picking out all the details. We looked at the direction of the light, the quality, the intensity, and the contrast. All of these details informed our decision about the type of lighting unit we’d use and where they would be placed. For this project, it wasn’t so much trying to create a desired tone but rather to replicate the original scene as closely as possible. It was a fun lighting exercise.”

There’s an obvious appreciation of Joma Tech’s affinity for taking on the effort and responsibility of communicating tech info with the guise of beloved films; as proven by the YouTube channels millions of followers and views. From spoofs on The Wolf of Wall Street to The Fast and the Furious, and others, these videos are impressive entertainment in their own rite. As someone who is typically on the set of a film or television production, Samon Siripanichgon concedes that they are not that different. He informs, “The process of shooting some of these videos felt the same as shooting a short film. From the prep done in preproduction all the way down to the execution in production. It’s always fun when there is enough room in the budget to try new gear and play around with lighting setups but even on a project with a small budget, it can be fun to see how much can be done with the limited amount of gear. I find that it is a true test of someone’s abilities if they are still able to make something look good with few resources. In general, there were plenty of setups and ideas to play with on Joma’s shoots. I don’t think it matters to me what type of production it is because the needs of each project are different and part of the fun is figuring out what works best. We shot some of these videos in Joma’s small New York City apartment and if you can make that look as good as an actual soundstage on a film set, you know it’s not going to be any problem for you once you have all that extra space and money.”

Thomas Jackson is a dynamic and talented content writer at, renowned for his engaging and informative articles. Beyond his professional pursuits in writing, Jack is also known for his deep passion for fitness, which not only shapes his lifestyle but also influences his work.