The fine-dining restaurants are popular for their smooth serving etiquettes. The people they appoint are good at their respective jobs, hence whenever you go to a fancy restaurant for dinner or lunch, you return home satisfied.
Running huge hospitality is smooth for them, because of their specialised skills. In a big restaurant, food gets the least attention. Because there are so many other things to appreciate, like the atmosphere inside the restaurant, the decoration, behaviour of serving persons etc. But when you go to a local café for a cup of coffee or burger, you don’t give a shit about any of these but the food you’re paying for. Although both of them offer good food, the first one has a proper hospitality set-up, while the other doesn’t and that makes the vast difference between cost and standard.
If the fancy restaurants can charge so much just for sophistication, why wouldn’t we try these etiquettes while welcoming our guests for dinner? Today I’ll share some great serving manners etiquettes that you’d have noticed at restaurants, but never applied at home. Be a pro chef by applying these mind-blowing serving ideas and making your Cookinglife worth appreciating.
Fine dining serving etiquettes for home
- Change Tableware
Before welcoming your guest, don’t forget to change the tableware. It should be white and clean.
- Keep some fresh flowers on the table
Have you ever thought about why all the restaurants put a flower vase in the middle of the table? The answer is simple. Fresh flowers offer a positive and feel-good vibe. So put a bunch of fresh flowers on the table.
- Lighting
Decorate the dining space with eye soothing lights. Having soft lights with shade would look better. Also, you can plan a candlelight dinner date at home. Flowers are already there, just lightening up a few scented candles and you’re good to go!
- Table setups
And here comes the most important part, how you set the table for your guests. There’s an order for everything, even for the cutleries, plates and glassware.
- Cutleries must be in order
Set the table only with the pieces that would be used during the dinner. Don’t put unnecessary plates or spoons on the table; it would make the table look messy. Usually, the restaurants put 12 pieces of cutleries for a full course of dining. At home, you must place the necessary ones only.
- Plates and bowls
The plates should be placed upside down on the table beforehand. Serve the dinner once your guests get comfortably seated. Don’t take the entire food out of the kitchen. Your guests are not supposed to know how much food is left.
While serving something liquid or soupy in a bowl, always place it on a plate. Bowls should always be around the main plate and cutleries on the other two sides of the plate.
- Arrange the pieces
Knives and spoons would go to the right, while forks would be on the left of the plate. All the plates, bowls and other utensils should be placed in the correct order of use. For instance, if the first dish is salad, the fork should be the outermost piece. For desserts, place the dessert spoon or knife right over the main plate.
- Arrange the glassware
In fine dining, it’s just not the cutlery pieces that are too many, but also the glassware is there in the list. Apart from the glass for water, there could be a wine glass, a glass for champagne or just a glass for juice or ice cream.
Glasses are supposed to be placed on the right side of the main course plate. There’s also an order to place glasses properly. The water glass, followed by a red wine glass, a Sherry glass, and a champagne flute. If tea is served, always give a saucer with the cup and put the teabag and a spoon on the saucer to adjust the sugar amount. Always avoid fingerprints on glassware.
- Place salt and pepper on the table
Place salt, pepper etc on the table, so that the guests don’t have to ask for it if it lacks. And last but not the least, place a napkin under the plate while setting up the table.

Thomas Jackson is a dynamic and talented content writer at, renowned for his engaging and informative articles. Beyond his professional pursuits in writing, Jack is also known for his deep passion for fitness, which not only shapes his lifestyle but also influences his work.