Node JS is the most famous open-source Javascript server-side script processing platform. All over the world, Node.js has gained popularity as a unique programming environment, unparalleled in its niche.
Among the companies that are actively using Node JS as the main platform for developing web applications are such giants as eBay, Walmart, and LinkedIn. On Github, the Node JS section has over 55.6 thousand stars and is the second most popular repository. 98% of Fortune 500 companies use Node JS in one way or another in development.
Node JS is actively used by programmers around the world to create large-scale applications for streaming websites and web applications. At the heart of the mechanism is an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which is ideal for large amounts of real-time data.
Main Aspects
- Node JS is an open-source platform. The copyright holder has granted various rights to study, edit and distribute the software in the public domain. Node JS development company is free to use Node JS as the basis for creating web applications, regardless of copyright and other legal nuances of using the platform;
- Excellent scalability level. Through the use of an event mechanism, Node JS has the highest level of scalability and provides support to the server in non-blocking responses;
- Work speed. Node JS runs on the Google Chrome V8 Javascript engine – the list of libraries available to the user is wide, they are constantly updated according to the trends of the programming world and are able to execute code at high speed, which is extremely important for working on the run;
- No buffering. There is a separate function for buffering in Node JS, there is no automatic buffering;
- Single thread. Node JS programming follows a single-threaded model, whereby the user can process more than one request at the same time, scheduling program execution nodes on the run;
- Asynchrony. Asynchronous libraries are used at the root of the platform – this is very useful – Node JS servers do not have to wait for the API to send a response and move on to the next API;
- The ability to use the same programming language both on the client side and on the server side. In most cases, Javascript can be flexible enough to build script models from different sides of the application – even the server side, where the amount of code is minimal, requires regular updates and expansion of the functional part. Node JS provides an opportunity to use one programming language to involve all levels of the developed program;
- Javascript syntax. Node JS is developed in JS, uses JS, and is evolving as a top platform for JS programming. Thanks to such a strict focus, the programming language has become one of the most popular among web programmers – almost half of the work on JS is somehow related to Node JS;
- Technology progress. Thanks to its open-source code and ubiquitous use in web programming, Node JS is one of the fastest-growing platforms in the programming world. A uniquely wide range of features and trending development with the times gives excellent prospects for further growth of interest in the platform.
The list of Node JS modules is a series of functions, one way or another grouped into one or more JS files. All these modules have a unique context and work separately from other modules. Thanks to the ability to reuse the code, Node JS is extremely convenient to use.
List of available modules:
- Main modules. Node JS is a very lightweight framework – different modules must be grouped together to provide the necessary functionality. Most often, these modules are loaded immediately after starting the Node JS process. The programmer’s main task is to import for later use in the code;
- Local modules. Local modules are created by programmers in the process of working with them and work as temporary communication nodes between the server side of the application and the user interface. Node Package Manager is used to process local modules in Node JS.
- Third-party modules. With the help of the aforementioned Node Package Manager, you can load third-party modules developed by other programmers. Most often, modules are taken to GitHub or other repositories and are further used to expand the functionality of the Node JS platform.
Among programmers, Node JS is known as one of the most optimal environments for web programming. Using the philosophy of Javascript, the Node JS platform, unique in terms of the number of functionalities, from the very moment of release is almost half of the total amount of data created on Javascript. It is convenient and easy to work in Node JS, although you will have to learn Javascript – this is not a problem, given the number of options that such a wide and scalable platform gives.
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Thomas Jackson is a dynamic and talented content writer at, renowned for his engaging and informative articles. Beyond his professional pursuits in writing, Jack is also known for his deep passion for fitness, which not only shapes his lifestyle but also influences his work.