As time is changing, most parents want their kids to get an education from English medium schools. That’s the reason the importance of the Hindi medium is decreasing day by day. However, it’s not a great thing when it comes to practical knowledge.
Sure, English is an outstanding language and it’s most useful for professional sectors. But, learning Hindi can expand someone’s knowledge. For example, when you learn Hindi numbers, it will help you gain practical knowledge along with academic performance. In this guide, we are breaking down the easiest way to count 1 to 100 Hindi numbers. So, let’s get started.
Advantages of Learning Hindi
Still have doubts about Hindi? There are so many advantages to learning Hindi numbers. Whether you want to teach your kids or for yourself, these numbers can make a difference. In the following section, let’s find out about the top advantages of learning Hindi numbers:
- Not only in India, Hindi is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. According to some recent reports, this language is spoken by 260 million people worldwide.
- Besides academic areas, Hindi is very useful for businesses as most countries are expanding trade in India.
- If you want to learn the culture of India, Hindi can play a significant role here. From art to movies, Hindi can be the right way to understand the country.
- If you love traveling, Hindi will be your best friend. Even though each state of India has different languages, they prefer communicating with tourists by using Hindi.
- When your kids have problems with English numbers, Hindi can be a great alternative.
1 to 100 Counting in Hindi (1 से 100 तक गिनती हिंदी में)
Now, you have a clear idea about the advantages of learning Hindi numbers. Well, you don’t have to work hard to teach your kids counting. To make it easy, we are breaking down everything in the following section. Let’s find out:
1 से 10 तक गिनती (Ginti)
- ० (0) – शून्य (Zero)
- १ (1) – एक (One)
- २ (2) – दो (Two)
- ३ (3) – तीन (Three)
- ४ (4) – चार (Four)
- ५ (5) – पाँच (Five)
- ६ (6) – छः (Six)
- ७ (7) – सात (Seven)
- ८ (8) – आठ (Eight)
- ९ (9) – नौ (Nine)
- १० (10) – दस (Ten)
11 से 20 तक गिनती
- ११ (11) – ग्यारह (Eleven)
- १२ (12) – बारह (Twelve)
- १३ (13) – तेरह (Thirteen)
- १४ (14) – चौदह (Fourteen)
- १५ (15) – पन्द्रह (Fifteen)
- १६ (16) – सोलह (Sixteen)
- १७ (17) – सत्रह (Seventeen)
- १८ (18) – अठारह (Eighteen)
- १९ (19) – उन्नीस (Nineteen)
- २० (20) – बीस (Twenty)
21 से 30 तक गिनती
- २१ (21) – इक्कीस (Twenty one)
- २२ (22) – बाईस (Twenty two)
- २३ (23) – तेईस (Twenty three)
- २४ (24) – चौबीस (Twenty four)
- २५ (25) – पच्चीस (Twenty five)
- २६ (26) – छब्बीस (Twenty six)
- २७ (27) – सत्ताईस (Twenty seven)
- २८ (28) – अट्ठाईस (Twenty eight)
- २९ (29) – उन्तीस (Twenty nine)
- ३० (30) – तीस (Thirty)
31 से 40 तक गिनती
- ३१ (31) – इकतीस (Thirty one)
- ३२ (32) – बत्तीस (Thirty two)
- ३३ (33) – तैंतीस (Thirty three)
- ३४ (34) – चौंतीस (Thirty four)
- ३५ (35) – पैंतीस (Thirty five)
- ३६ (36) – छत्तीस (Thirty six)
- ३७ (37) – सैंतीस (Thirty seven)
- ३८ (38) – अढ़तीस (Thirty eight)
- ३९ (39) – उनतालीस (Thirty nine)
- ४० (40) – चालीस (Forty)
41 से 50 तक गिनती
- ४१ (41) – इकतालीस (Forty one)
- ४२ (42) – बयालीस (Forty two)
- ४३ (43) – तैंतालीस (Forty three)
- ४४ (44) – चवालीस (Forty four)
- ४५ (45) – पैंतालीस (Forty five)
- ४६ (46) – छियालीस (Forty six)
- ४७ (47) – सैंतालीस (Forty seven)
- ४८ (48) – अड़तालीस (Forty eight)
- ४९ (49) – उन्चास (Forty nine)
- ५० (50) – पचास (Fifty)
51 से 60 तक गिनती
- ५१ (51) – इक्यावन (Fifty one)
- ५२ (52) – बावन (Fifty two)
- ५३ (53) – तिरपन (Fifty three)
- ५४ (54) – चौवन (Fifty four)
- ५५ (55) – पचपन (Fifty five)
- ५६ (56) – छप्पन (Fifty six)
- ५७ (57) – सत्तावन (Fifty seven)
- ५८ (58) – अट्ठावन (Fifty eight)
- ५९ (59) – उनसठ (Fifty nine)
- ६० (60) – साठ (Sixty)
61 से 70 गिनती
- ६१ (61) – इकसठ (Sixty one)
- ६२ (62) – बासठ (Sixty two)
- ६३ (63) – तिरसठ (Sixty three)
- ६४ (64) – चौंसठ (Sixty four)
- ६५ (65) – पैंसठ (Sixty five)
- ६६ (66) – छियासठ (Sixty six)
- ६७ (67) – सड़सठ (Sixty seven)
- ६८ (68) – अड़सठ (Sixty eight)
- ६९ (69) – उनहत्तर (Sixty nine)
- ७० (70) – सत्तर (Seventy)
71 से 80 तक गिनती
- ७१ (71) – इकहत्तर (Seventy one)
- ७२ (72) – बहत्तर (Seventy two)
- ७३ (73) – तिहत्तर (Seventy three)
- ७४ (74) – चौहत्तर (Seventy four)
- ७५ (75) – पचहत्तर (Seventy five)
- ७६ (76) – छिहत्तर (Seventy six)
- ७७ (77) – सतहत्तर (Seventy seven)
- ७८ (78) – अठहत्तर (Seventy eight)
- ७९ (79) – उन्यासी (Seventy nine)
- ८० (80) – अस्सी – (Eighty)
81 से 90 तक गिनती
- ८१ (81) – इक्यासी (Eighty one)
- ८२ (82) – बयासी (Eighty two)
- ८३ (83) – तिरासी (Eighty three)
- ८४ (84) – चौरासी (Eighty four)
- ८५ (85) – पचासी (Eighty five)
- ८६ (86) – छियासी (Eighty six)
- ८७ (87) – सत्तासी (Eighty seven)
- ८८ (88) – अट्ठासी (Eighty eight)
- ८९ (89) – नवासी (Eighty nine)
- ९० (90) – नब्बे (Ninety)
91 से 100 तक गिनती
- ९१ (91) – इक्यानवे (Ninety one)
- ९२ (92) – बानवे (Ninety two)
- ९३ (93) – तिरानवे (Ninety three)
- ९४ (94) – चौरानवे (Ninety four)
- ९५ (95) – पंचानवे (Ninety five)
- ९६ (96) – छियानवे (Ninety six)
- ९७ (97) – सत्तानवे (Ninety seven)
- ९८ (98) – अट्ठानवे (Ninety eight)
- ९९ (99) – निन्यानवे (Ninety nine)
- १०० (100) – सौ (One hundred)
How to Count Hindi Numbers
You might know that Hindi is one of the most spoken languages in India. Even though it’s not your mother tongue, learning Hindi can help a lot. And when it comes to learning Hindi numbers, there are so many benefits you can unlock. Teaching your kids Hindi numbers can be helpful for mathematics.
However, it’s more than solving mathematics problems. As we noted before, Hindi numbers can be a significant part of your life. In short, you can gain practical knowledge along with the academic side. That’s why every student should start learning Hindi numbers from the very beginning.
You can understand that Hindi numbers can be helpful for daily life. Besides growing academically, your children can get practical knowledge by learning Hindi numbers. And it’s not that hard to learn these numbers. If you need more help, do your research for an easier method or get help from a teacher.
Sharon Howe is a creative person with diverse talents. She writes engaging articles for, where she works as a content writer. Writing allows Sharon to inform and captivate readers. Additionally, Sharon pursues music as a hobby, which allows her to showcase her artistic abilities in another creative area.