The transport industry in Australia is worth over $100 billion. That’s a testimony to the sheer amount of goods that are moved from one part of the country to another. Of course, with so many items moving around some are bound to become damaged.
This creates a financial headache to the courier service, insurance companies, and the business selling products. That’s why it is so important that every driver understands the best load securement practices and uses them on every trip.
It will reduce wastage and could potentially lower the price of the end product. You just need to know the best load securement packages.
Don’t forget, a badly secured load can do more than damage the goods being carried. The movement of items in the truck can cause the truck to swerve and even crash, potentially injuring or even killing innocent bystanders.
Temperature Matters
If you’re shipping frozen products or freshly caught fish then you know you need the best suppliers of refrigerated transportation possible.
But, it’s not just fresh products that need to be kept at certain temperatures. Electronics are susceptible to temperature changes, as are many other items.
Before you even consider securing a load make sure that it can be kept at the right temperature.
You can even use monitoring systems to ensure the temperature is correct throughout the journey and proof this to the supplier or buyer, if necessary.
When loading a vehicle it is important to stack your truck properly. That means stacking identical boxes on top of each other until you reach the load limit. All boxes should include numbers that illustrate how high they can be stacked, what is in the box, and whether they can have other items on top of them or not.
The driver needs to make sure these rules are adhered to as bad stacking can cause things to move and even fall over during transportation.
Strap It In
Trucks are designed with hook slots on the sides. All you need is a sturdy strap. Simply clip the strap on each side and it will hold the boxes in place. This should be done even if more boxes are being put in. Securing several rows at a time helps to reduce the stress on the outer boxes and limits the likelihood of issues with the load.
Don’t forget to inspect the tie-down points regularly. They need to stay in good condition to ensure the straps can hold the load as you drive.
Load In Reverse
A standard practice when delivering to multiple destinations is to consider what items need to come off first. You’re not going to want to waste time unloading everything to get to a specific delivery.
Instead, load the last things to come off first and move toward the first things to be delivered, these should be last on.
Doing this doesn’t just save time, it reduces the likelihood of damage occurring to items in transit as they will be moved around less.

Thomas Jackson is a dynamic and talented content writer at, renowned for his engaging and informative articles. Beyond his professional pursuits in writing, Jack is also known for his deep passion for fitness, which not only shapes his lifestyle but also influences his work.